30 July 2009

Green Day ROCKS!!!

On Yesterday (July 29th, 2009) I experienced something. I have been wanting to witness every since the disappointing New years 2009 "Wu-Tang” show at the 930club in Washington DC. My personal opinion is that Cappadonna saved the show for me. This blog isn’t about the Wu-Tang show. I'm writing to share my musical encounter with GREEN DAY and how I was bless with a FREE ticket. I got off work bout 5pm headed down Georgia Ave on the 79 bus to meet Jamal (Kapital Magazine) to handle some business. I get a text from DJ Earth 1ne to ask my whereabouts? I text back "on Georgia ave"....she then replies "come over and drop off your bags; we going out"...I text back "where we going?” I get to her apartment and she mentions “I got two FREE tickets to see GREEN DAY". Buzz Buzz (my phone is ringing) it's Darn Good (Den'D Productions). He is out front waiting for me to come down stairs, so we can finish-up more business concerning the Kapital Magazine. He gives Earth and me a ride to the nearest Metro Station--------------->>>>>>> mins later…

We arrive at the Verizon center. We get the pat down by serucity.We go to the Will Call booth to grab the tickets. Earth says: “GREEN DAY gets on about 9pm”. We make a couple of bathroom stops, so we don’t have to excuse ourselves during the concert. After finding our seats Earth checks her phone for the time and it’s about 830pm --------->>>10mins later the lights go dim and all of a sudden six person(s) are running towards the stage!!! The Spotlight Shines on the Lead singer "Billie Joe Armstrong”. WOW!! I feel the energy of hundreds of people chanting, cheering, screaming and clapping for the band. Billie cues the drummer TrĂ© Cool to begin the rock group's first song from the newest album "21st Century Breakdown" called 21st Century Breakdown. The band gave their fans a high energy performance from start to finish. Billie even called up random die hard fans to sing songs, play a guitar and even performed a ritual on a little girl to illustrate a tune called "Christian's Inferno”. Billie shouts "WHO WANTS TO GET SAVE TONIGHT in DC”! While the ritual is being performed youngsters are starting a Mosh pit and even caught people body surfing (If you never been in a Mosh pit keep your ass in the stands) that part of the concert is not for the weak. The Band even played a few past tunes from the 90’s. I really enjoyed myself. I’m a student of the live performances. I sat back and study the exchange of energies that Billie shared with the concert goers giving each person an opportunity to live out his or her dreams to be a Rock Star for 15mins. Lets be honest no matter race, color or creed of a person THE MUSIC and the connection we share goes far beyond the BS ( at least I hope it does)… Whenever GREEN DAY comes back to DC I’ll BE THERE!!!

Click the TITLE

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing experience! Green Day has a dope stage show...This tops all shows I've been to in the past year..hands down! Many thanks to Gravity for sending me the text and Bear-One for hittin her up!

    Earth 1ne The DJ~
