On October 9, 2010
I rode the Mega Bus from DC to Philadelphia the city of Brotherly Love. To attend a Rally to FREE MUMIA ABU-JAMAL out brother that's on Death for so-call killing a Philly police officer, but Mumia hasn't gotten a fair trial , so is Philly really the showing the Love of Brotherhood? To answer that question I would say YES, it's displaying love to the BROTHERHOOD of the crooked justice system (protecting, untruths and not presented all the FACTS)....I arrive around 10ish took a cab to 1310 North Broad Street where a group of about 50 people or more Blacks, Whites, Asians and Latinos wearing Free Mumia buttons marching holding signs and banners chanting sounds of FREEDOM!!! FREEDOM!!!... I quickly blended in with wired emotions and grateful thoughts of being a part of History...When I began to look around I notice police escorts and Black panthers son "Fred Hampton Jr.".....the antennas alerted me to watch my surrounds because I travel up to Philly on the solo mission...
We arrived at the place where the movie and speaking who take place. I went inside and was welcome by a sister of the MOVE ...the aroma of SAGE burning fill the room to provide the "La Familia” with pleasant energy to dismiss the bad energy that might have been there before us.
People settled down as Pam Africa introduce the film entitled: "Justice On Trial: The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal" produced by Johanna Fernandez, who is a Professor of History at Baruch College/CUNY, and co-coordinator of Educators for Mumia Abu- Jamal. This film has been in works for four years states Fernandez. Just in case YOU didn't know Tigre Hill created a film called "The Barrel of the Gun" that show one side of the story and it was endorsed by the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police)......The film that was shown today (Oct 9th) was very powerful and enlightening of how ALLL the facts was not presented to the courts!!!
I will end this blog by saying...22 death row cases in Philly has been overturn, but Mumia case....
Google this name:
The European Union Parliament
"Today was a Good day"
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