FLASH BACK:::: Sunday, September 13, 2009 on the MTV AWARDS...Kanye Spass out
(check my blog about the picture he took with Lady friend Monday, September 14, 2009)
NINE MONTHS LATER HIS BACK ON TV...Now it's the B.E.T Awards 2010...SUNday/SONday June(6)month 27 Day 2+7=9 2010 (year)... do you see the number patterns....Ummmm
what he trying to tell us his Horus NOW. Remember on the cover of the Time magazine when he was picture as Jesus with the crown of thorns and when he did the song Jesus walks, but is the same person who produced "Lucifer Son of the Morning" for Jayz. In this new BET pic he has his arm spread like Wings or (how Jesus was nail to the cross) ...He also can be telling us he has risen from the ashes like the Phoenix bird ( which is Horus)...the volcano pic is telling us/them the same thing..Plus the brother has on Red. the lower chakra color......So he trying to channel a different type of energy then what we hope he would....to me his sending a loud and clear signal to those that know, but the blind are just too see Kanye West Come back...Ummmm how long as he been gone could solve your question. if everything adds up to 3 (Trinity,Jesus died and rose again) of the actual TRUE Story of Heru/Horus/Jesus.....then maybe that would make Jay z (Asur/Osiris/GOD) Jay Hova...Could Bey-once be Aset...?
Bey is a Moorish Last name ( do the Science on the Moors)
Give thanks for Reading.
Enoch 7th Prophet
So true brother... Great EYE for those who C... Blessed!